With the recent movement to ‘green’ products and services, many consumers
are shifting their focuses to more efficient companies. Industrial laundry has always been more economically and environmentally efficient
then individual, self-laundering. Not only does self laundering use more energy (1.6 x more) and more water per pound (2.5 x more),
but non-treated waste water is delivered to sewers in home washing as well (TRSA Clean Green).
Laundry Environmental Stewardship Program
Band Box Cleaners & Laundry is a member of the LaundryESP (Environmental Stewardship
Program). This is a voluntary program which has been praised by the EPA for its progress in protecting the environment. In becoming
a member, Band Box has…
Band Box utilizes a heat reclaim system that uses the heat of wastewater to preheat incoming fresh water
for laundering. Four high efficiency 99.8% hot water heaters are used to further warm this preheated water. This saves energy and
allows Band Box to operate more efficiently and cleanly, allowing us to help the environment and save money for you as well.
Environmental Efforts
Band Box Cleaners & Laundry is committed to sustainable business practices and conservation of
the resources we use everyday. We have taken large steps to become a leaner, greener company and the results have shown up both on
our affect on the environment and our bottom line. With our efforts, we have reduced water usage, air pollutants, and energy use and
increased recycling efforts and efficiency of our machinery.
We reuse all of our rental products, which greatly reduces waste production both in our
and our customers’ operations. Our washing methods also increase the life of our products as compared to home washing and we treat
all wastewater in order to prevent pollution when it exits our facility. We also recycle cardboard, hangers and paper from all of
our facilities. We offer e-Billing to our customers as well in order to reduce the amount of paper that must be recycled. Our employees
use wireless electronics and computers to reduce paper use as well. This also improves organization and communication while greatly
reducing the waste that is generated from our operations.