From the Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council - - Click to learn more!
To understand the benefits of being accredited
by HLAC,we should first ask the questions,“Why an accreditation program at all,” and then,“Why HLAC?”
Why an Accreditation Program?
program was developed to meet the desire among many healthcare laundry organizations for an independent inspection and accrediting
program that would result in formal recognition (if they passed) acknowledging that the laundry organization meets the high standards
for processing healthcare textiles. No current program is as detailed as HLACs, or applies to all types of laundry operations: on-premise,
co-op, and commercial. HLAC is not in competition with, nor does it conflict with any other accrediting organization, including JCAHO.
No neutral organization existed that could offer the program desired, so an industry task force created HLAC in July 2005. The
HLAC Board of Directors was carefully recruited to represent all interested parties in the healthcare laundry industry: the laundries
themselves, their employees, and, most importantly, their healthcare facility customers. No single voice dominates the Board. It is
truly independent and works in the best interests of the industry and its customers.
What are the benefits of being accredited?
principal benefit of being accredited is that an independent third party has inspected your laundry organization and found that it
meets the highest standards for processing healthcare textiles. A laundry organization cannot inspect and accredit itself, and its
customers generally do not have the time or expertise to perform a comprehensive inspection as conducted by HLAC.
An HLAC-accredited
laundry organization has demonstrated that the: